BIOLOGICAL resources assessment

Casc’s team of experienced biologists provides comprehensive biological resource evaluation and consultation services for a variety of projects and ecological resources requiring CEQA/NEPA documentation and resource agency permitting. Our biologists determine project requirements and field studies, manage permitting, agency negotiations, construction monitoring, mitigation installation, and permit compliance. Field evaluations are conducted by experienced and permitted specialists to ensure data collection accuracy and objectivity. Our experience translates into high-quality documents with the appropriate level of biological evaluation, resource mapping, and project management.


  • Resource Agency Permitting and Coordination

  • Mitigation Compliance and Management

  • Development of Habitat Conservation Plans

  • Preconstruction Surveys and Biological Construction Monitoring

  • Biological Resources Assessment and Evaluation

  • Focused Surveys for Sensitive Plants and Wildlife

  • Habitat Associations and Vegetation Mapping

  • Wetland and Waters Evaluation



Casc prepares jurisdictional delineations, regulatory permitting applications and coordination for federal and State wetlands and waters regulated by U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and State Regional Water Quality Control Board.

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Casc has extensive knowledge of the CEQA and NEPA regulatory approval process and successfully guides our clients through compliance of these environmental policies.  Casc prepares integrated and comprehensive CEQA and NEPA documents and provides document preparation services, project management, and resource evaluations.


Casc’s biologists prepare mitigation and revegetation plans for native vegetation communities, including reasonable performance standards for ultimate resource agency sign-off. Casc can negotiate plan approval with the agencies, manage installation and monitoring, and ensure that project success criteria are met or exceeded. Casc can supervise all aspects of the restoration process, including the selection of the maintenance contractor and mitigation site, native plant installation and invasive species control, and long-term monitoring and compliance reporting.

Image of tree in field.